Costs and Expectations
What You Should Know

Cost is an important consideration if you have a limited budget, so it’s good to plan ahead. When you invite an author/illustrator to visit, be aware that you will be responsible for the following expenses:

  1. Honorarium*: This is a per diem fee paid for the author’s/illustrator’s professional expertise and time spent away from work.
    • This fee should be paid at the end of the visit (or on the final day of a multiday visit).
    • Fees range from $300 to $2,000 per day and are subject to change without notice. Many speakers offer half-day fees. It is reasonable to expect that the more celebrated an author/illustrator, the higher the fee will be.

      *All honoraria are subject to change. Honoraria figures for traveling appearances do not include expenses such as airfare, accommodations, ground transportation, parking and meals. Many authors/illustrators offer half-day fees for visits that are within easy driving distance and can be completed in one morning or afternoon.
  2. Transportation:
    • You will be responsible for round-trip air/train fare and the cost of a taxi or car service to and from the airport (if necessary).
    • In cases where the author/illustrator drives to/from the event, you will be responsible for mileage reimbursement at a rate of $0.445/mile.
    • Often the speaker will opt to make their own travel reservations, in order to choose flight times, airports and other arrangements that are most conducive to their schedule.
    • If the author/illustrator has asked you to make the travel arrangements, please note that while the need for low airfare is understood, the number of connecting flights should be limited. A jet-lagged, travel-weary guest is not nearly as enjoyable as one who has traveled comfortably.
  3. Lodging: You are responsible for making all arrangements for the author/illustrator if they will be staying in the area one or more nights.
    • Usually if the author/illustrator is to spend the entire day visiting, they will want to arrive the evening before and/or spend the night after.
    • Please arrange for the hotel bill to be sent to you, not to the guest.
    • Although it may be easier on your budget to invite a speaker to stay in a private home rather than a hotel or B&B, this is not a good idea.Visiting speakers need breathing room for a good performance and freedom to do as they please with their spare time.
  4. Miscellaneous Expenses: The author/illustrator will also incur other expenses, such as meals and carfare during the visit. Typically, upon the speaker’s return home, they will submit an itemized bill for any such expenses. Please reimburse them accordingly (and promptly!).