Writing covers parts of speech usage, sentence structure, mechanics, organization, and essays. The texts are presented in nonfiction, fiction, reports, essays, and more.

Reading consists of major topics including; nonfiction, fiction, poetry, frequently misspelled words, and frequently used words. Subject matter varies and incorporates higher-order thinking skills.

Learners will develop skills in numbers and operation in numbers; measurement and geometry, estimation, data analysis, probability, statistics, and algebraic concepts such as patterns and more.

Science curriculum includes units in life science, physical science, and earth and space science. You will apply principles of scientific inquiry and interpret information that may be found in graphs, tables, and charts.

Social Studies
Social Studies learners will learn about geography, U.S. history, world history, U.S. government, civics, and economics. Content is represented in various methods such as maps, graphs, reading passages, and more.

Callouts, learning strategies, test-taking tips, and guided practice items aid learners in the development of close reading and strategic-thinking skills. The Steck-Vaughn High School Equivalency Test Preparation program also features:
- Lessons that follow a standard Learn–Practice–Apply instructional sequence where content builds across lessons to support the introduction of more complex topics
- Focused instruction on key skills and concepts, followed by test practice
- Practice questions that incorporate informational reading passages, graphics, maps, diagrams, and authentic literature
- Unit practice tests
- Glossaries of key terms for each subject area
- Detailed annotated answer keys