Ongoing Assessment
With HMH AGA, teachers can tailor a variety of formative and summative assessments to meet the needs of all their students. These include Leveled Quizzes and Tests, Performance Tasks, and Diagnostic and Quarterly Benchmark Tests. The program’s assessment resources allow for varied and ongoing assessment of student learning and progress.
A Response to Intervention Teacher Resource provides in-depth support for struggling or advanced students, including prerequisite tests, skills fluency worksheets, and formative assessments. Teachers are provided with strategy pages with information on identifying and combating misconceptions, as well as information on when and how to utilize Personal Math Trainer® Powered by Knewton™.
Math on the Spot Video Tutorials, featuring program author Dr. Edward Burger, accompany every example in the program and give students step-by-step instructions and explanations of key math concepts. These video tutorials are the perfect tool for students in need of additional or an alternative approach to instruction. Plus, these videos are perfect for teachers implementing a flipped classroom model!
Personal Math Trainer – Personalized Instruction and Support for EVERY Student
Personal Math Trainer is the ultimate online, adaptive assessment and personalized learning system for students, with an automatic reporting and optional intervention system for the teacher.
One-Click Customization
With Personal Math Trainer, teachers can:
- build their own assignments from thousands of items, all correlated and searchable by lesson, Standards, and DOK level
- review automatically graded assignments and class reports to determine their next course of action
- assign pre-built homework, with a variety of problem types, for every lesson in the course
- provide each student with targeted recommendations for other assignments
Personal Math Trainer allows teachers to prescribe and create a standards-based, personalized intervention assignment for students.
RtI for Tiers 1, 2, and 3
Personal Math Trainer targets each student’s individual needs and provides content support up to two grade levels below the current grade.
Personal Math Trainer allows teachers to grade homework and generates reports so teachers can tailor their instruction to meet students’ needs.
Differentiated Instruction
Support ALL learners with differentiated Instruction in the Teacher’s Edition, which includes:
- Leveled Practice and Problem Solving
- Reading Strategies
- Success for English Learners
- Challenge
Personal Math Trainer® and design are registered trademarks of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Knewton™ is a trademark of Knewton, Inc.