Student Friendly
Write Source® is the only K–12 writing program with consistent methodology and language. The components include student-friendly graphics, icons, and language that help assist in learning content. The flexible, color-coded design in Write Source will support any reading or literature program and help students develop not only the skills necessary to master English Language Arts, but also in other content areas such as Science, Social Studies, and Math.
Integrating the Six Traits
Write Source fully integrates the Six Traits of writing into the writing process. Prewriting focuses on ideas and organization. Writing adds a focus on voice. Revising focuses on the first three traits and also word choice and sentence fluency. Editing zeroes in on conventions, while publishing features the added trait of presentation.
Professional Development for Writing
The Write Source Teacher's Edition provides information to help you make the most of Write Source at home. The program's instructional design includes comprehensive support for the topics that matter most to teachers: grammar, writing workshops, academic vocabulary, test preparation, the use of technology, and so much more. The information in the Professional Development section of the Teacher's Edition will show how Write Source can help you meet your classroom goals.
Write Source® is a registered trademark of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Learn more about Write Source® through the research!
Developing a Meaningful Writing Curriculum (1.2MB)
Write Source® is a registered trademark of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Scope and Sequence
The Scope and Sequence provides an overview of the concepts to be covered in a given period of time, as well as how those concepts are addressed over the series as a whole. Download a PDF to see the progression and order of topic introduction.
Write Source® is a registered trademark of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Dave Kemper - Author
Dave Kemper, a former language arts teacher, was the senior writer and editor and a member of the original staff of the Write Source® Educational Development House. Kemper co-authored the Write Source handbooks for Grades K–12, and worked as both author and editor on the various teaching resources that support the handbooks. Kemper has presented workshops throughout the U.S. and maintains a strong interest in all aspects of English education and curriculum planning. He is a member of the Wisconsin Academy of Arts and Sciences and is a published poet.
Patrick Sebranek - Author
Patrick Sebranek taught high school English and speech for 16 years. During that time, he worked with other faculty members to develop both a thinking skills and writing-across-the-curriculum program for his district. Sebranek was the founder and publisher of the Write Source Educational Development House. He co-authored the original Write Source handbook—Basic English Revisited—25 years ago, and has served as co-author and editor for all subsequent Write Source handbooks and teaching resources. Sebranek has presented workshops across the country on a variety of writing and learning topics and continues to work with classroom teachers to develop resources to meet student needs in language arts.
Dr. Verne Meyer - Author
Dr. Verne Meyer has spent 25 years in the English classroom, first at the high school level and more recently at the college level. He has taught composition and theater at each level, and has received several awards for excellence as both a classroom teacher and a director of dramatic arts. Meyer has co-authored the K–12 Write Source texts and handbooks such as Writers INC and Write for College. He has co-authored six college texts (e.g., The College Writer, COMP: Read, COMP: Write, and The Business Writer). In addition, Meyer has co-authored four books used by business (e.g., Write for Business, Writing Effective E-Mail, Writing Business and Sales Correspondence and Write for Work). Meyer is particularly interested in writing across the curriculum and workplace writing, and he leads workshops on topics for educators and business professionals.
Write Source® is a registered trademark of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.