Rest assured that ¡Avancemos! addresses all of the language learning requirements for today’s Spanish classroom.
21st Century Skills
Students communicate in authentic contexts that empower them to not only learn Spanish, but also to apply it to the world around them. News and Networking online gives students a path to global participation through a monitored space where they can post comments and read other comments from students around the world! Students can even publish their own articles to the site.
International Baccalaureate
IB students succeed through accurate communication and cultural context. Performance Space, through which students complete book activities online, lets students instantly practice and record spoken assignments.
Advanced Placement®
Throughout all levels of the program, solid foundational skills prepare students for success in AP® Spanish. Pre-AP® Suggestions in the Teacher’s Edition and Pre-AP® Assessment accelerate practice and achievement.
Advanced Placement®, AP®, and Pre-AP® are trademarks registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.